Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Blazing Saddles

Jane wittering
Those of you lying awake at night worrying about how I'm going to keep my fluffy saddle cover dry in the unlikely event of rain will be relieved to know that I have managed to pilfer a shower cap from a B and B to cover it up. It looks Ridiculous. It has mainly been used so far when the bike has been parked up,for example at a coffee bothy. Today though, I stepped outside and someone threw a bucket of cold water over me. I realised that this was rain of a most serious and wetting kind and it was clear that Full Waterproof Kit would be have to be deployed. It could have been nasty though, plastic saddle cover, polyester waterproof trousers ,all that lycra, if it hadn't been so wet there could have been an unfortunate case of spontaneous combustion.

Well the rain eased off to a steady downpour, the sky began to clear I started to dry out. My gloves dried, my socks were less squelchy ,everything in fact except the double pant combo which was still saggy baggy and wet. When the sun eventually appeared, it actually got quite hot. Then I had a horrible thought . Ohmygod, what if I'm walking around genteel sedate Ludlow, and... my pants actually start Steaming?
We got separated at a T junction today. Miles from anywhere, very quiet and rural. I pinged my bell like mad and shouted very loudly 'which way?' A distant voice came from my right, 'LEFT'


See you soon Jane

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