Tuesday, 1 June 2010

False Summits

Jane here.
Peter has kindly provided a map for each day with squiggly green line at the top. This proves to be a profile of the contours of the day's ride. Good. I thought it was a particularly ominous ECG printout. (Especially the flat bit along the bottom, but that was the ferry ride.)

So I come puffing up to join Pete at a hill,and the conversation goes something like this:
Me. Are we at the summit yet?
Pete. Look at your profile. We're just at that little nipply bit before the shoulder leading to the plateau before that lump where it flattens out then dips a bit before the final pull to the top. Then there's a couple more like that today but a bit higher, and then we're done
Me. So that's a no then
Pete. (Incredulously) You can't possibly think this is steep?.
Me. (In a small but brave voice) Spose not.....
But he's gone in a cloud of dust and GT 85.

1 comment:

  1. Get a tandem - you can't see the summits (or the hill for that matter) and he can't leave you in the dust (nor can you run into him...)
